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August 2017 – Big Country Homebrewers Association

BCHA Brew-Blast 8-31-17


Hey everyone! this weekend is our pick up for the Pappy’s Wort Challenge. We will meet at Pappy’s @ 2pm to pickup our 6 gallons of Maris Otter wort (bring a container). Remember to bring your $10, which included the wort and a beer while you’re there.

Useful Information:
1. 100% Maris Otter wort (Final beer must be made using 90% Maris Otter)
2. Beers must be completed by early November for tasting
3. Top three beers will receive a prize
4. Anticipated OG – 1.050


Who: Matthew Cogburn’s
When: September 16th (NOTE: 1 Week later than usual)
Where: 5418 Peppermill Rd, 79606

Homebrew Tasting – Remember to bring your homebrews for your feedback session. This is a great opportunity for everyone to get good constructive feedback on your brews.
Raffle (Bring Cash) – We will be having a raffle as well so make sure to bring your cash. Items in this raffle are; Hops, Beers, Mead, Insulated Stanely Mugs & a 150 Lumen Compact LED Lantern

Competition #3 Entries Due During This Meeting!
At our last meeting we had a discussion about the value of having the competition and whether we should discontinue it due to the lack of participation. Everyone agreed we need to continue and be committed to submitting our beers. So here’s your opportunity to make good on your promise.


Abilene Beer Summit – September 23rd
BCHA will have a tent to promote homebrewing. If you are interested in volunteering you can click here for more information. For more information on the event itself, click here. If you decide to volunteer there is a REQUIRED volunteer party at The Mill on September 19th (They throw in a free beer too!)

Rhymes and Vines event in Stephenville, September 20th – 23rd
For more information click here or contact Gary or Tom.

BCHA annual family campout – October 13th – 15th @ Hord’s Creek Lake
• Entry fee – $5 per person (includes burgers/hot dogs on Saturday night)
• Campsites range from $10 – $20 per family. RV sites and cabins are available at extra cost.
• What to bring – Your family, several $1 bills for games, food and anything else you want to have.
• Organizers – Tom & Judie Bradley (tandjjk04@yahoo.com)

There will be more information at a later date. Final sign-up and commitment by our next meeting on September 9th.

BCHA Brew-Blast | 8-17-17

Big thanks to Doug and Teresa for hosting our August meeting. Also thank you to Michael Hernandez at Ben E. Keith for your beer donations.


Jeramie will have any club shirts ordered at Brick Oven today and tomorrow between 6 and 9PM available for pick-up. If you can’t make it today or tomorrow he will be out of town until later next week.


Abilene Beer Summit – September 23rd
Our club will have a tent setup and brewing demos going on this year. If you haven’t signed up to volunteer you can do so by clicking here. We encourage our club members to volunteer and represent our club, it a great time!

Rhymes and Vines event in Stephenville, September 20th – 23rd
For more information click here or contact Gary or Tom.

BCHA annual family campout – October 13th – 15th @ Hord’s Creek Lake
• Entry fee – $5 per person (includes burgers/hot dogs on Saturday night)
• Campsites range from $10 – $20 per family. RV sites and cabins are available at extra cost.
• What to bring – Your family, several $1 bills for games, food and anything else you want to have.
• Organizers – Tom & Judie Bradley (tandjjk04@yahoo.com)

There will be more information at a later date. Final sign-up and commitment by our next meeting on September 9th.

BCHA Brew-Blast | 8-4-17 | Red Gap Brewing & Next Meeting


Come check out a new brewery close to Abilene, Red Gap Brewing in Cisco tomorrow the 5th @ Noon. Gary Casey will be organizing a private tour for the club. Questions? Email Gary at gcasey8777@aol.com.

August Meeting

Who: Doug and Theresa Price’s home
When: August 12th, 7pm
Where: 2550 S. 22nd St, 79605


The Oxford Companion to Beer definition of Foster’s

is known internationally as the quintessential Australian beer brand. However, it is curiously less popular in its homeland than it is around the world.Ironically, Foster’s was created by two Americans who arrived in Melbourne, Australia, from New York in 1886. The most popular beer style at the time was India pale ale, which, like most beers, was imported. But beer suffered in the extreme Australian heat, and few attempts were made to cool it. This led the Australian Brewers’ Journal to claim, with remarkable foresight, that lager beer, “supplied in the proper way, in bulk, cold and fully charged with carbonic acid . . . will be the drink of Australia.”